How Julie Went From Chameleon to Peacock

You can trust yourself, own your talents, and strut your stuff like a peacock -  without being an egotistical ass. 


Here’s a quick story to explain...


A few years ago, I sat down with a client who we'll call Julie. Julie is incredibly smart, talented, funny, and highly-respected in her field.


But Julie felt totally out of her league. She had just landed a new job, a BIG job - but she felt totally lost and scared shitless that everyone was going to find out she had no idea what she was doing.     


Julie knew she wanted to be in a position of leadership but in her heavily male-dominated industry, she wasn’t willing to sacrifice her integrity or lead in the traditionally masculine way. 


So together, we helped Julie get crystal clear on her values and reconnect with her inner wisdom. 


With her newfound clarity, Julie gained awareness and learned tools to trust her gut and before she knew it, she had stopped looking outside of herself for the answers and started to trust her own instincts.    


Today, Julie has no problem saying she’s confident. She was cherry-picked for an agency and has grown the business exponentially since her arrival. She’s highly respected as one of the top people in her field. 


And she owns it. Like a peacock. 


Julie will tell you that our work together gave her permission to fully own who she is and what she's capable of. 


I’m sharing Julie’s story with you because I’m willing to bet you might feel tired of seeking approval from others too. 


If you’d like to finally shift from chameleon to peacock, we should talk.


You Can Have It All…Just Not At The Same Time


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