If you’re hungry for more, this is for you…

Step into your desires and bring your full self into everything you do.


This is The Art of Compassionate Command:

The leadership coaching you need to break free from the patriarchal bullshit we’ve been fed for centuries so you can get out of your own way, take center frame, and play bigger in the world – one room at a time.


You’re never too old. It’s never too late. The only person keeping you trapped in any situation is you.

Maybe you followed the path you thought would lead to quote-unquote success, elevated status, and mo’ money in your Marcie leather handbag.

But you ended up taking care of everyone else’s needs along the way – tucking your own voice, values & vision into a shoebox, buried deep in the back of the closet of your desires.

The Art of Compassionate Command is an invitation to lean into ALL the parts of you that make you extra (glitter optional), allow yourself to get messy (the paint washes off, my friend), and fall *back* in love with the creative process we call L-I-F-E.

This is a space created to help you silence your inner saboteur.

Learn how to trust yourself again, and create tectonic shifts in your life.

The only rule: Within these walls, we speak the truth. There’s no screwing around. And there’s no waiting for permission *or the perfect time* to start. Because there is no perfect time to start. This is it.

Get out of your own damn way in 4 SIMPLE steps

Grab my free resource, The Essential Guide to Cultivating Confidence.

Step into the room if…

You’ve ever asked,
“What am I waiting for?”


Maybe you know exactly what you want, but you have NO IDEA how to go from overwhelmed to unstoppable.

And, hey, maybe you’ve finally earned the career you’ve always wanted, but you feel like you’re in waaay over your head and about to get found out. So you catch yourself playing small to avoid being called out. ← Stop doing that!

Maybe you’ve been waiting for so long to start living fully that you barely remember what living fully even looks, feels, sounds, tastes, smells like anymore. (Full stop — it smells like summer nights. Trust me on this.)


Whatever your path, you want full ownership of how you move through the world.

And you’re ready to stop conforming to every situation like America’s Most Agreeable Chameleon… and to start strutting like a fucking peacock.

Together, we’ll nail your viewpoints, vision, values (and all the things that make you extraordinary) to the nearest wall.

Because we need your FULL self to take center frame now more than ever.

Park your tush on the club chair (the one next to the neon pink silkscreen of Elizabeth Taylor—you can’t miss it)…

Show up bigger, braver &. bolder in the world.


Michelle here
I’m a Leadership Coach and the Creator of the Art of Compassionate Command

Built for high-achievers like you. Because it’s time for women to have command over themselves, their lives & every room they enter. All from a place of compassion and creativity.

Warning: I’ve never been called a “nice” coach. I’m LOUD. And I don’t fuck around. I see things you can’t see for yourself. And I will call you out on your shit. Not everyone is ready for me, but I have a feeling you might be…

Oh yeah, I also know how to make one helluva Paloma and throw a fabulous party. Next time we chat, ask me about that time I started a flash mob, okay?


Let’s work together

Take more risks, set more boundaries & turn up the volume on your inner wisdom

  • For Executives, Creatives & Entrepreneurs

    You’re ready to ditch the overwhelm, perfectionism, and people-pleasing (for good) and finally take action on your big goals & ideas. Stop climbing career ladders that weren’t engineered for your desires and start trusting yourself to build your own. Explore your unique leadership style so you can take the mic, step up, and create a new path forward.

  • For Business Partners

    You’re ready to strengthen your business and partnership so you can design your future with intention (no more winging it!). Start communicating clearly as a team and operating from the same page – so there’s no confusion, no lost time, and no extra headaches-slash-heartburn. Design your business together as leaders and partners.

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