I see you.
You’re whip-smart and tenacious.
You’re a people-person - your ability to see the good in others and to champion their desires and success is admirable. You have tremendous drive and you know in your gut that you are meant to make your mark on this world.
You want to do big things
- whether it’s create beautiful art or make people think differently or shift the culture in your company and community or empower women or battle inequities in our society.
You aren’t interested in living a passive life.
And you’re also not interested in living an inauthentic life. Life’s too short - you want relationships that feed your soul, that are fun and filled with laughter, that are reciprocal. You’ve made it to a certain place in your life and you’ve done well. You’ve done really well. From the outside, you look successful.
It tells you that you’re not as good as anyone thinks you are and that you’re going to get found out.
It tells you that you need to take care of everyone else before you take care of yourself.
It tells you that the thing you want to do or try or say could have someone dislike you (AND that you should care.)
It tells you that other people know more or better than you do and that you always need someone else’s approval. It tells you that you can’t do whatever the thing is that you want to do until it’s absolutely perfect (and on especially bad days it tells you that YOU have to be perfect.) It tells you that, despite the fact that you’re exhausted all the time, you have to work harder. It tells you that if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. It tells you that you can’t trust yourself. It tells you that you aren’t allowed to say no. It tells you that you’re going to let others down. It tells you that you have to fit into definitions that were created and designed by and for men.
It tells you lots and lots of lies.
Don’t get me wrong - those lies have served you up to this point. They’ve gotten you to where you are now. But that’s the point- isn’t it?
You’re ready for more.
And those lies?
They aren’t going to get you there. Because you’ve gotten to the point where YOU know that you’re covered in armor to protect yourself even if the rest of the world doesn’t. And you’re tired of living a life of pretending and performing.
And most importantly, deep in your gut (which is begging for you to listen to it more) you know that it’s keeping you small. There’s a little voice reminding you that you have a unique magic that’s needed in the world - but also that there’s no more time to fuck around.
It’s time to go to the places you’ve been avoiding for so much of your life.
And here’s what will happen when you start to look in those places - you’ll know your values and you’ll begin to make decisions based on them. This will lead you to a fulfilling life, one that’s full of integrity. You’ll start to cultivate that voice that comes from your gut and you will begin to trust it more and more. You will stop needing to know what others think because you’ll know that what you are doing is aligned with who you want to be in the world. You’ll know that your work does not have to exhaust you and that doing what you’re meant to do actually fills you will energy rather than draining you. And your relationships will do the same. You will have the ability to have fierce compassion - both for yourself and for others. At the same time, you’ll understand that boundaries are the hidden key to that compassion. You won’t stop being scared but you will have the courage to pursue your curiosity because you have cultivated risk resilience and so falling down and failing is part of the game and the growth and the path to your purpose.
You’ll own your unique magic and you'll bring it to your home, to your family, to your community and to the world - in whatever way feels aligned for you.
And you’ll own your feminine power and know how needed it is in changing the conversation - for yourself and for generations to come.