Beware Of Your Brain!

This morning I woke up, took the dog for a hike, dropped my older daughter at a friend’s house, unpacked the camp duffels that arrived while I was on aforementioned hike, and started washing all the filthy stuff that came home from camp.

After dragging the empty camp duffels into the art room in the basement, I parked my tush on the futon and opened instagram. I mindlessly scrolled for a minute - maybe ten…who really knows how long but the camp bedding in the washing machine was still on the wash part of the cycle - so it couldn’t have been THAT long…Anyhow, I looked at the top of my screen which said 10:20 AM and my brain said, “It’s 10:20 and you have gotten absolutely NOTHING done yet today!”

I was so irritated with myself and ready to really beat myself up.

And then, I paused for a minute.

It was true that I hadn’t yet done any work for my business yet that day - but it was NOT true that I hadn’t gotten anything done. In fact, I had gotten A LOT done before 10:30 in the morning!

I’m so glad that I didn’t just automatically listen to the lies of my bitchy little brain.

If I listened to her, I would spend half my life beating myself up without looking at the whole picture.

Your brain is not a reliable source of information.

So before you go around listening to it’s lies, stop and ask yourself:

Is that really the truth? Or is it a spin that my brain is putting on the truth?

And hey, next time you think to yourself, “I got NOTHING done today!” maybe go through and think about what you actually DID do.

My guess? It's a lot more than you’re giving yourself credit for.


The Theme of the Week is…


Are You Making Time For Play?