I Lied!!!

I lied.


I told you I wasn't going to have a word of the year.


But this week, I gave in. Not only do I have one word this year, I have five:




Let me rewind.


Monday morning, I was having a SERIOUS case of I don't wanna. My inner brat was in FULL FORCE. “Go lie down.” “You can go back to bed.” “You had such a busy weekend…”


When you're an entrepreneur, there's no place that you HAVE to be on Monday morning. Meanwhile, I had a TON of work to get done before my first call at noon.


After I dropped the girls at school, I sat in my car scrolling Instagram for a few minutes when I came upon a remixed reel of a few women dancing because they needed a little pick me up.


I figured it couldn't hurt to try…


Turns out it was exactly what I needed to kick my inner brat to the curb and put a little pep in my step. 30 seconds of feeling myself to a little “Get Down On It” and I was a new woman!


So I've officially decided that 2023 is the year of the dance break. Because 30 seconds of shaking my hips did me some serious good.


It also reminded me of something that I need CONSTANT reminding of…

You don't need to make a big change in order to make a big change. 


You don't go directly from A to Z - you have to go through all the steps in between.


If you find yourself stopping before you started because it feels too big to tackle, start by thinking of one small step that would make a big difference and just do that.


This Is Why My Clients Swear At Me…


It’s A New Year, But You Don’t Have To Act Like It