It’s A New Year, But You Don’t Have To Act Like It

I don't have any resolutions.


I don't have a “word”. (I used to try this but I seemed to always forget my word by February 2nd.) 


No lists of what I learned in 2022. (except that I should stop trying to cook cod. 5th time wasn't the charm but it WAS the last time I tried!)


No new goals - I'm still working on some from 2022. 


And if this stuff actually works for you - great! 


But honestly, I don't really care that it's a new year.


Sure - I do business projections and look at what I need to do to hit my numbers. That's what you do when you're a CEO and it's the start of  a new fiscal year.


But there's no new year, new me. New year, same me.


Wanna know why? 

The pressure of the new year is too much for me. 


Honestly? It's really just a perspective…


Because it is an absolute fact that it's a new year. 


It's a matter of how I choose to approach it. 


When I think about “What do I want to accomplish in 2023?” it overwhelms me and STOPS me from figuring shit out. 


When I think about it as the next week in a series of weeks of my life and I show up, stay consistent with my habits and do the work…it just works better for me. 


Maybe it's because I am looking at my business (and my life) fairly often. You don't need an end of a year or the start of a new one to do that. You can do it anytime that feels right for you: the spring solstice, your birthday, May 14th, the first day of your kid's new school year…you get the idea. 


On a pretty consistent basis, I'm tracking my failures and successes. (And FYI, there are far more of the former but they get me to the latter).


I reflect, assess, reassess, keep going, change course, get knocked down and get up again. 


Every year has great moments. Every year has terrible moments.


That's life. It's like that great scene in “Parenthood." 

May this year be messy and inspiring and challenging and scary and beautiful and full of all the fun and surprises and screams and laughter of the rollercoaster. That's my wish for us all…in this year…and in this life.  


I Lied!!!


Did You Catch These in 2022?