Like Mother, Like Daughter

When my mom was working, she was known for having about 550 post-it notes stuck to her computer at all times with reminders of all the things she needed to get done. This was such a “signature Joanne” thing that when she retired, on her final day of work, she walked into a computer covered in post-it notes of well-wishes and gratitude. 


As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. On any given day, you will find a post-it note (or three) stuck to my computer as well. This is a habit that began long before my days of coaching. I was in my late 20s when I stuck the following post-it note to my computer at CBS:


“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.”


That post-it sat there staring at me, day in day out, reminding me that it was time for me to stop beating myself up on a daily basis and start loving myself a little bit more. 


Since that post-it, there have been multitudes of others. Sometimes they land on my computer. Sometimes on my water bottle. Sometimes on my bathroom mirror. Sometimes I do a virtual post-it on my phone wallpaper.


But there’s one key difference between my mom’s post-its and mine. Hers were about doing. My post-its? They’re about being


They say things like: 



No is always an option.

Slow down. 




My post-its remind me how I want to be in the world. Because for me, that’s just as important as what I want to do. 


And that’s the work I do with my clients. 


It’s not just about goal setting. Goals are great - but honestly? It’s really about who you become on the way to going after your goals. And that requires working on your mindset too. 


You know what I mean - you set goals all the time. But somehow, you find yourself procrastinating and getting stopped by fear of failure. You try so hard to make it perfect that you never make it at all.


In order to really break through and discover what’s holding you back, I challenge the behaviors and narratives that have become habitual, but are no longer working for you.


Then you can make choices about what it looks like to move forward, rather than just having life happen to you. We create new mental habits and thought patterns, so that you can act in a different way than you were taking before. 


Shifting those mental habits is hard work - and for me, it requires A LOT of reminders…hence the post-its. 


If you want to discover what your post-it might say in order to have the impact you know you have the potential to have, let’s chat.




Getting Out of the Box