OMG! I almost forgot!
Well hot damn, I almost forgot to send you an email today.
The truth is, my creativity has come to an all time halt because of the events of the week. I can't get gun legislation off my mind.
And honestly? I don't want to. If I could get it off my mind, I would worry that I was becoming numb to it all. And we can't be numb.
So today, instead of spending a whole lot of time thinking about what I'm going to write to you, I'm sharing part of a post from one of the people that really inspires me to keep going politically, Jess Craven. (You can find the full post here.)
Jess writes a daily email called “Chop Wood, Carry Water”. Every day there are a few things we can do to keep going. I know it feels super futile at times, but she says it best in her Monday newsletter:
"I can only cry—again—at the young lives senselessly mown down. Then I can wipe my eyes, take a breath, and get back to work. I hope you'll join me.
Why? Because, as they say in recovery circles, “the only way out is through.” We will solve nothing by staying in bed and pulling up the covers. We can solve anything if we don't quit and continue to do the work. It hurts; it takes too much time; it seems we're making excruciatingly slow progress. But we are making progress and we must keep going."
- Jess Craven
We must keep going. Don't underestimate the difference that each of us can make with a small daily action.
I'll be back next week with more on leadership and designing a life you love.
For this week, make a call to your senator.
Subscribe to Jess's newsletter. She offers both free and paid options. I don't even know her personally. I just think she's brilliant and sharing her work feels right to me today.
Hug the people you love. And don't give up.