Do you REALLY want balance?

The modern idea of balance is totally extrinsically motivated.

Finding balance has become the new standard of success for women. 

We think it will bring us satisfaction - but even when we do ALL the things that we think will bring balance, we don't feel satisfied.                                  


But we keep trying. Because whether we're aware of it or not, we think when we “achieve” balance, it will feel like another gold star, another A.

But we never actually get there.

The reason for this?

Balance is bullshit.     


It's unattainable. Yet another standard that women are measuring themselves by. 

We've taken on the idea of finding “balance” as a goal and you know what we've gotten? BUSIER. 

Aiming for balance has left women BUSIER. Adding more without taking anything away.

So - here's the real question…

Do you ACTUALLY want balance?

Or are you really looking to feel more joy? To feel more spark? Are you really looking to feel more ALIVE?

Because aliveness has absolutely zero to do with balance.

Balance has become another “should” for women.

Fuck the shoulds. 

What do you long for? What do you desire?

I would wager a hefty sum that if you really dig deep? It ain't balance.


Do you do this too?


OMG! I almost forgot!