Did You Catch These in 2022?

This will be my last blog of the year. I'm taking some much needed time off and I'm unplugging completely.


I'm signing off with a reminder that whatever you are dealing with, I promise you, you are NOT the only one. On occasion, I bring some of my clients together and when I do, two things happen:

  1. They all think the others are incredible bad-asses and can't believe they are surrounded by such amazing people. (They all think this about each other…which meeeeeeeans…the person having the thought is as incredible as all the people they are enamored with. DUH.)

  2. They feel relieved to hear that they share so many of the same issues.

There is so much that occurs in realizing that you aren't alone - release of negative inner thoughts, space to explore new ways, and a sense of belonging that allows us to shine even more as individuals.


Which is why I'll be rolling out some more community based offerings in 2023. I can't wait to share what I've been working on…


In the meantime, wanna feel like you aren't alone in whatever you're facing right now? Do yourself a favor and listen to this podcast where Brené Brown shares about her reflections on her sabbatical. 


If you insist on using your new year to start new habits, do yourself a favor and listen to this 2-parter with James Clear on Atomic Habits. Or just go buy the book because it's a phenomenally worthwhile read.


Speaking of podcasts and books - listen to this one on boundaries. Once you do, I promise you'll want more so you might as well just go ahead and buy her book. And this one on parenting (which is actually really about re-parenting yourself so even if you don't have kids, it's SO worth the listen.) 


Those were my favorites of the year. 


And just in case you haven't listened to Brandi Carlile's memoir, Broken Horses - please, do yourself a favor and do it now. And yes - you have to listen - because she sings at the end of every chapter. Enough said. 


AND..if you haven't watched Extraordinary Attorney Woo yet, what are you waiting for? 

Thank you for being a part of my community and a part of my world. 

Whether I know you personally or we've never spoken; whether you've been around since the beginning or you've just joined me recently, I know how precious your time is and I feel grateful that you've chosen to spend some of it with me.


If you've been with me for a minute, you know that I freaking HATE all this new year, new you bullshit. But what I do hope is that this new year brings more and more permission to be your YOU-est you. That's what the world needs more of. Each of us to embrace all the magic of exactly who we are. 

Happy Everything.


It’s A New Year, But You Don’t Have To Act Like It


The Life Changing Magic of Becoming