Do you do this too?

About 8 years ago, I was the ghost writer on a book for a highly established and successful coach. 

This coach had shared that she had not been successful with the few ghostwriters that she'd tried and was looking for someone new to collaborate with. I was taken with the subject matter and with her Ted Talk - and I figured it would be a great opportunity to get to work closely with and learn from a successful coach. 

Turned out, she liked my writing and decided she wanted to give it a go! 

We worked together for several months while I interviewed her and others that she had trained in her process. I read through her notes, we revised her outline, and I got to work writing. 

After a few rounds of notes, she felt ready to send the draft to her editor. 

Several months later, she sent me a copy of the draft that was going to print. I read through the first few chapters and said to my husband, “Well, I guess I gave a decent outline for them to jump off of - but this is way better than the draft that I wrote.”

Just so I could really torture myself, I opened the version I'd written to see what, if anything, they'd kept of my original writing in the draft that was going to print.

As I started to read what I'd written, I had to laugh. The final draft - the one that was “so good” that I was convinced had been largely rewritten - was almost word for word the book that I had written. 

I've heard other stories like this. 

A doctor who saw the notes an attending had written several years prior and said to herself, “Jeez- this attending seriously has her shit together way more than you do and you have years of experience on her.” 


But when she looked at the signature at the bottom of the notes, it was hers. SHE was the attending who had written the excellent notes. 

These stories are Imposter Complex at their finest.

We spend our time comparing ourselves to others, convinced that we aren't good enough, knowledgeable enough, capable enough. 

And the truth is, most of the time there isn't a draft of a book or a signature at the bottom of a page to tell us otherwise. 

Most of the time, we continue to buy into the stories we tell ourselves - and we let them dictate our behaviors and our actions. 


The TAME YOUR INNER CRITIC masterclass is the first step toward getting out of your own way. Inside, I'll take you through my 4 step process so that you can: 

  • Learn the difference between realistic thinking and being a judgmental bitch to yourself (like “what if I'm really NOT good enough to do that thing…? What if it's not just my inner critic?” I'll show you how to tell the difference)

  • Hear your inner monologue with more discernment so that you stop thinking “that's just me”

  • Learn how to slowly build confidence so that you hear that voice just a little bit less

  • Stop worrying about taking care of everyone else and give yourself the space to figure out what really works for you.

BAM. ⁠

I can't wait to see you there. Here's the link again to register. 


Is being in command a bad thing?


Do you REALLY want balance?